The Communication Network Lesson:  Keeping in Touch

Cartoon Rubric Handout







Required Elements

Cartoons included all required elements, as well as a few additional elements.

Cartoons included all required elements and one additional element.

Cartoons included all required elements.

One—or more than one—required element was missing from the cartoons.

Clarity and Neatness

Cartoons are easy to read, and all elements are so clearly written, labeled or drawn, that another student could interpret the information.

·         Cartoons are easy to read and most elements are clearly written, labeled, or drawn.

·         Another person might be able to interpret the cartoons.

·         Cartoons are hard to read with rough drawings and labels.

·         It would be hard for another person to interpret without asking a lot of questions.

·         Cartoons are hard to read, and one cannot tell what is being represented.

·         It would be impossible for another person to interpret the cartoons without asking a lot of questions.


·         All content is in the student’s own words, is accurate, and illustrates eight different means of communication.

·         Connection between the means to the correct situation is evident.

·         Almost all content is in the student’s own words, is accurate, and illustrates seven different means of communication.

·         Attempt is made to connect to the correct situation.

The student attempted to illustrate at least six different means of communication.

Minimal attempt is evident to illustrate any means of communication.

Use of Time

Time was used well during the class periods with no adult reminders.

Time was used well during most class periods with no adult reminders.

Time was used well but required adult reminders on one or more occasions to do so.

Time was poorly used in spite of several adult reminders to do so.

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